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@hany_hash politvidchannel yes, but also we already knew that because the same restrictions are already in place at Fox News studios 🙈 edition.cnn.com/2021/07/19/media/fox-vaccine-passport/index.html
Do you have children and want them to have a healthy relationship to technology? Let them read “Little Brother” and “Homeland” by doctorow!
tinysubversions b0rk UC Santa Barbara has run 2 mainly-online, carbon neutral conferences; and they wrote a guide: hiltner.english.ucsb.edu/index.php/ncnc-guide/
If your library builds w/ npmjs pkgs, plz don’t rely on global install: list as a ‘devDependency’ and
npm run
it. github.com/jacomyal/sigma.js/pull/238 -
Imagine every nation could issue a valid passport for anybody, in the name of any other nation. Crazy? Yes, but that’s how SSL CAs work.
function inception() { inception(); } // #informatikfilme
mtrumpbour 0xcharlie SwiftOnSecurity Jeep's Law: "An incompetent IT department is indistinguishable from a genius Phishing attempt"
janl "Autofahren mit Tempolimit? Ich würde ja selber nie rasen, daher verderben mir Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungs-Schilder den Spaß!"
Very inspiring session about dat_project and webtorrent.io/ with mafintosh and feross Distribute all the data \o/ #32C3
Pro-Tip for greenkeeperio users: Save all new dependencies with exact versions! npm install --save --save-exact #p # short: npm i -SE $p
SeeroiberJenny "Kein Gott, Kein Staat, Kein DSL-Vertrag"
Hat denn der Snowden schon #NDGnein gesagt?
I am starting a list of lists of lists of lists: 1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lists_of_lists
nice work from audiocommander: Announcing PR0C3551N6: Processing for iOS Processing for iOS audiocommander.de/blog/?p=430
b0rk In case you do additions, I'll vote for the jumping-host flag
. It pretty new, so not many people seem to know about it and previous solutions were cumbersome. $ ssh -J user@example.com me@internal-host.lan -
Pinboard I am told Hebrew (פליט) unsurprisingly focuses on the "being kicked out" part
dieorsons He mad – Heimat #wortsgoes
Halfheart_hero jrvsscarlet Had the same feeling and looked it up. The second part is in the show, the first part was cut. Episode 8, 27 minutes mark.
fatma_morgana wenn es nix gibt was verboten ist dann brauchen wir doch gar keine polizei???
captainsafia I’m German, I can just make words up \o/ “Ignoranzkorrespondenz” has a nice gnarly ring to it.
SaraSoueidan even more infuriating is that they include "GraphQL" without any such qualifiers 🤦
martinsteiger vd_zuerich Spannend. Der zrh_airport hat mir auch mehrfache (allerdings informelle) Nachfrage auch nix liefern können. Ich persönlich gehe bis auf weiteres davon aus, dass es jeweils einfach kein (wirksames) Schutzkonzept gibt.