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  1. …in reply to @undefined
    @hany_hash politvidchannel yes, but also we already knew that because the same restrictions are already in place at Fox News studios 🙈 edition.cnn.com/2021/07/19/media/fox-vaccine-passport/index.html
  2. Do you have children and want them to have a healthy relationship to technology? Let them read “Little Brother” and “Homeland” by doctorow!
  3. …in reply to @tinysubversions
    tinysubversions b0rk UC Santa Barbara has run 2 mainly-online, carbon neutral conferences; and they wrote a guide: hiltner.english.ucsb.edu/index.php/ncnc-guide/
  4. If your library builds w/ npmjs pkgs, plz don’t rely on global install: list as a ‘devDependency’ and npm run it. github.com/jacomyal/sigma.js/pull/238
  5. Imagine every nation could issue a valid passport for anybody, in the name of any other nation. Crazy? Yes, but that’s how SSL CAs work.
  6. function inception() { inception(); } // #informatikfilme
  7. …in reply to @mtrumpbour
    mtrumpbour 0xcharlie SwiftOnSecurity Jeep's Law: "An incompetent IT department is indistinguishable from a genius Phishing attempt"
  8. …in reply to @janl
    janl "Autofahren mit Tempolimit? Ich würde ja selber nie rasen, daher verderben mir Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungs-Schilder den Spaß!"
  9. Very inspiring session about dat_project and webtorrent.io/ with mafintosh and feross Distribute all the data \o/ #32C3
  10. Pro-Tip for greenkeeperio users: Save all new dependencies with exact versions! npm install --save --save-exact #p # short: npm i -SE $p
  11. …in reply to @SeeroiberJenny
    SeeroiberJenny "Kein Gott, Kein Staat, Kein DSL-Vertrag"
  12. #33C3 #flipdots #fixed
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  13. Hat denn der Snowden schon #NDGnein gesagt?
  14. I am starting a list of lists of lists of lists: 1. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lists_of_lists
  15. nice work from audiocommander: Announcing PR0C3551N6: Processing for iOS Processing for iOS audiocommander.de/blog/?p=430
  16. …in reply to @b0rk
    b0rk In case you do additions, I'll vote for the jumping-host flag -J. It pretty new, so not many people seem to know about it and previous solutions were cumbersome. $ ssh -J user@example.com me@internal-host.lan
  17. …in reply to @Pinboard
    Pinboard I am told Hebrew (פליט) unsurprisingly focuses on the "being kicked out" part
  18. …in reply to @Linuzifer
  19. dieorsons He mad – Heimat #wortsgoes
  20. …in reply to @Halfheart_hero
    Halfheart_hero jrvsscarlet Had the same feeling and looked it up. The second part is in the show, the first part was cut. Episode 8, 27 minutes mark.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  21. …in reply to @theprincessxena
  22. …in reply to @fatma_morgana
    fatma_morgana wenn es nix gibt was verboten ist dann brauchen wir doch gar keine polizei???
  23. …in reply to @quervain_de
    quervain_de BAG_OFSP_UFSP Die zu den Aerosolen leider immer noch nicht 😑 EINS78/1375045973337108488
  24. …in reply to @captainsafia
    captainsafia I’m German, I can just make words up \o/ “Ignoranzkorrespondenz” has a nice gnarly ring to it.
  25. …in reply to @undefined
  26. …in reply to @SaraSoueidan
    SaraSoueidan even more infuriating is that they include "GraphQL" without any such qualifiers 🤦
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  27. …in reply to @martinsteiger
    martinsteiger vd_zuerich Spannend. Der zrh_airport hat mir auch mehrfache (allerdings informelle) Nachfrage auch nix liefern können. Ich persönlich gehe bis auf weiteres davon aus, dass es jeweils einfach kein (wirksames) Schutzkonzept gibt.
  28. …in reply to @Foone