eins78’s avatareins78’s Twitter Archive

8,338 tweets

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⬅️ New ⬆️ 🙂
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  1. 2 media recommendations: if you're into SciFi, read The Galactic Cold War series by dmoren. I found the album "Toktok El Waili" by el_waili a fitting soundtrack while reading it 🚀 music.apple.com/de/album/toktok-el-waili/1552739755?l=en dmoren/1553031062908977154
  2. excellent JortsTheCat merch available in jerusalem en_ti_es/1542065267550916608
  3. 🤔 schlimm, da gehts ja zu wie an der zhdk MartGuenzel/1539892623137202183
  4. deutsche cyberpunk MSucrier/1533473845553811459
  5. wie üblich an der zhdk: die verwaltung als rechtsfreier raum; missstände sind der leitung bekannt aber werden unter den teppich gekehrt, bis von extern nachgefragt wird und es nicht mehr verschwiegen werden kann zhdk/1532058296131403777
  6. ah yes Twitch the trash fence of the internet #daftpunk daftpunk/1496245181724639243
  7. (was ja based wäre) FrankaWelz/1479205983369015296
  8. wenn die StadtpolizeiZH mal so durchgreifen würde gäbs direkt 20% weniger autofahrer in zürich. hierzulande wartet man aber lieber ab bis was schlimmes passiert. MothershipSG/1478943462732881924
  9. biji biji hafti abi! MattUnicomb/1479138714005745669
  10. *me trying to make music* BenJavertComedy/1477511564949295107
  11. bitte nutzt die CWA für (nicht vermeidbaren) treffen. auch wenn nur kurz, auch wenn nur außen. wegen omicron auf nummer sicher gehen und am besten einen event-QR code erstellen – nah genug um zu scannen ist nah genug für infektion bundesregierung.de/breg-de/themen/coronavirus/corona-warn-app-version-2-0-1889868 UlrichKelber/1476841387488432147
  12. impfgegner einfach unterster abschaum den die menschheit zu bieten hat RicardoLange4/1476823953972809729
  13. Thüringer Kultusministerium nun anscheinend vollständig von #Leerdenker:n unterwandert BildungTH/1469640523870842889


  1. …in reply to @undefined
    @hany_hash politvidchannel yes, but also we already knew that because the same restrictions are already in place at Fox News studios 🙈 edition.cnn.com/2021/07/19/media/fox-vaccine-passport/index.html
  2. Do you have children and want them to have a healthy relationship to technology? Let them read “Little Brother” and “Homeland” by doctorow!
  3. …in reply to @tinysubversions
    tinysubversions b0rk UC Santa Barbara has run 2 mainly-online, carbon neutral conferences; and they wrote a guide: hiltner.english.ucsb.edu/index.php/ncnc-guide/
  4. If your library builds w/ npmjs pkgs, plz don’t rely on global install: list as a ‘devDependency’ and npm run it. github.com/jacomyal/sigma.js/pull/238
  5. Imagine every nation could issue a valid passport for anybody, in the name of any other nation. Crazy? Yes, but that’s how SSL CAs work.
  6. function inception() { inception(); } // #informatikfilme

I’ve retweeted other tweets 4,042 times (48.5%)

Most Retweeted

  1. annalist 37 retweets
  2. en_ti_es 36 retweets
  3. stephanpalagan 35 retweets
  4. FakeUnicode 34 retweets
  5. absurdistwords 31 retweets
  6. SwiftOnSecurity 27 retweets
  7. janl 27 retweets
  8. Afelia 24 retweets
  9. zhdk 23 retweets
  10. doctorow 22 retweets

Most Retweeted (Last 12 months)

  1. en_ti_es 15 retweets
  2. NatalieAmiri 4 retweets
  3. Afelia 4 retweets
  4. raulde 3 retweets
  5. stephanpalagan 3 retweets
  6. VPOD_Schweiz 3 retweets
  7. kattascha 3 retweets
  8. sansculotides 2 retweets
  9. martinkohlstedt 2 retweets
  10. DieMaus 2 retweets

Replies and Mentions

19.7% of my tweets are replies (×1,644)

Most Replies To

  1. schoschie 105 replies
  2. EINS78 95 replies
  3. L337hium 48 replies
  4. gsagt 24 replies
  5. janl 23 replies

Most Replies To (Last 12 months)

  1. bauchhaus 5 replies
  2. kautzz 3 replies
  3. rikarends 2 replies
  4. viticci 2 replies
  5. StadtpolizeiZH 2 replies

I’ve sent someone a mention 197 times (2.4%)

51.1% of the links I’ve posted are using the https: protocol (1,091 of 2,133)

95.8% of the links I’ve posted in the last 12 months are using the https: protocol (46 of 48)

Top Domains

  1. twitter.com 342 tweets
  2. tmblr.co 257 tweets
  3. swarmapp.com 180 tweets
  4. github.com 83 tweets
  5. wikipedia.org 50 tweets
  6. youtu.be 43 tweets
  7. youtube.com 31 tweets
  8. wat.is 31 tweets
  9. tumblr.com 29 tweets
  10. newsblur.com 29 tweets

Top Hosts

  1. twitter.com 341 tweets
  2. tmblr.co 257 tweets
  3. www.swarmapp.com 180 tweets
  4. github.com 71 tweets
  5. youtu.be 43 tweets
  6. wat.is 31 tweets
  7. eins78.newsblur.com 29 tweets
  8. www.youtube.com 23 tweets
  9. en.m.wikipedia.org 19 tweets
  10. bit.ly 18 tweets

My tweets have been given about ♻️ 693 retweets and ❤️ 3,613 likes

Top 5 Emoji Used in Tweets

  1. 🤔 used 34 times on 27 tweets
  2. 🙈 used 22 times on 20 tweets
  3. 😂 used 19 times on 13 tweets
  4. ✈️ used 17 times on 17 tweets
  5. 💩 used 10 times on 5 tweets

156 unique emoji on 350 tweets (8.1% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Hashtags

  1. toniareal used 36 times
  2. swisscovidfail used 16 times
  3. wtf used 11 times
  4. weimar used 10 times
  5. melt used 9 times

816 hashtags on 816 tweets (19.0% of all tweets***)

Top 5 Swear Words

  1. s_it used 15 times on 13 tweets
  2. f_cking used 13 times on 12 tweets
  3. f_ck used 11 times
  4. b_llshit used 7 times
  5. h_ll used 7 times

80 swear words on 75 tweets (1.7% of all tweets***)

***: does not include retweets